The CTFI Online Ranking system can be found here. Ranking is used to determine seeding at CTFI Tournaments including the National Championships.
Key Information
Built on the SportData platform, this system will keep track of seeding point standings for all our Black Belt competitors.
Coaches, there is some important information below on the changes that have been introduced recently in our system for collection and use of seeding points. Please read the following thoroughly and if you have any questions, contact me or Master MacKenzie.
Changed seeding point accumulation rules
There have been some major changes adopted for how your athletes accumulate seeding points and how they are used in CTFI competitions. One of the biggest changes is that your competitors can have seeding points added to their standings for participation in almost any competition at Provincial level or higher, including competitions outside of Canada.
The goal is to reward your athletes for ALL of the experience they gain from competition. For full details on how this works, please refer to the updated edition of the CTFI Team Manual which will be coming out very soon.
Events included in the current standings
As in the past, seeding points will be kept for tournaments held in the past 2 years then will be retired as the events age out past that.
Patterns Seeding points
As in the past, seeding points will be kept for the specific age-group, gender and rank categories in which athletes complete e.g. “Pre-Junior Female 1 Dan” “Senior Male 4-6 Dan”. Points will be used to place the athletes in the draw trees for CTFI events from the same category as they enter.
Sparring seeding points
The recently announced ITF rule changes include the addition of more sparring weight categories. As a result, the CTFI Executive Committee decided to improve competition opportunities in CTFI events for our Black Belts by allowing the merging of sparring weight categories with less than 3 competitors. Because of this, seeding points will not be kept for specific weight class.
For example, at a Provincial championships, an athlete may be in “Heavy weight”. At an ITF World Cup they may be in the 75-81kg category. At a CTFI event, they may be in a merged category for 69-81kg and so forth.
All seeding points for participation and results will accumulated as “Age-Group Gender Free Sparring” no matter what weight category the athlete was in. E.g. “Pre-Junior Female Free Sparring”, “Senior Male Free Sparring”, etc.
These points will then be used to place athletes in the draw trees for CTFI events for the same age-group and gender, no matter which weight category they entered for the event.
Applying for seeding points for non-CTFI events
Athletes participating in CTFI events (Nationals, Easterns/Westerns) will automatically have seeding points for patterns and sparring categories added to their standings.
To get seeding points for participating in non-CTFI events, coaches must apply via the online tournament result reporting form. Information about the coach, athlete and event will be required. If the event qualifies, the seeding points will then be applied manually into the system.
The online tournament result reporting form is found here:
ranking system is found here:
Coaches, please review the existing information for your athletes and let me know if anything is wrong and needs to be updated. Also, please spread the word to your athletes.