June 15, and 16 years since the passing of our Taekwon-Do Founder. Today we remember General Choi and the gift he left the world.

Remembering General Choi

Master Cooley, head coach of the National Ireland Team, will be conducting a seminar on July 6-8, 2018 in Montreal, QC.  It will focus on sparring and self-defense and is open to all belt levels.  More detailed information can be found here. , including schedule, cost and the registration link. […]

Seminar with Master Cooley

Master Hal Lipscombe and Master Kurt Ottesen are pleased to announce that they will be hosting an IHC Course in Port Coquitlam, BC.  The course will take place on June 23rd & 24th, 2018. Visit the event page here for event information!  

IHC Course – Port Coquitlam

Today, April 11th, is the 63rd year of Taekwon-Do.  Thank you to the ITFand members of CTFI for the continued growth and dedication to our Martial Art!

Happy 63rd Birthday Taekwon-Do!