Downey’s Taekwon-Do Celebrates their 20th Anniversary (1990-2010)
Downey’s Taekwon-Do Annual Seminar and 20th Anniversary was a great success! Over 130 students attended the seminar and 20th Anniversary Celebration, including 30 Black Belts. Master Downey took the morning session and taught Self-Defense. At lunch time Master Downey and Mrs. Downey cut their 20th Anniversary cake. After lunch Mrs. Downey did a thorough presentation of the “9 Training Secrets” and the “Theory of Power”. Even the younger children were very attentive throughout the session and many raised their hands to volunteer to demonstrate the concepts being taught. Master Downey then took participants through the “Pattern” portion of the seminar and emphasized the importance of implementing the concepts taught by Mrs. Downey’s presentation. Students showed that they were paying attention to what Mrs. Downey had to say because they showed great execution of technique in their patterns. Master Downey then ended the seminar with some pad work and fun racing drills.